Stances (Dachi) Description
Chinto Dachi Parallel Forward-Angle Side Stance
Hachiji Dachi (Shizentai Dachi) Natural Stance – Shoulder Width, Toes Outward
Hamni Dachi (Jun-tsuki No Tsukomi Dachi) Lunge Stance
Heiko Dachi Ready Stance – Toes Parallel
Heisoku Dachi Informal Bowing Stance – Toes Closed
Kakutsa Dachi Back Stance
Kamae Dachi Fighting Stance
Kiba Dachi Parallel Horse Stance
Mahanmi Neeko Ashi Dachi Side Facing, Long Cat Stance
Mashomen Neeko Ashi Dachi Front Facing, Short Cat Stance
Musuba Dachi Formal Bowing Stance – Toes Open
Naihanchi Dachi Inward Circular Stance
Naname Zenkutsa Dachi (Gyaku-tsuki No Tsukomi Dachi) Diagonal Forward Stance used in in Gyaku-tsuki No Tsukomi
Neeko Ashi Dachi Generic Cat Stance
Neeko Dachi Flat Cat Stance
Sagi Ashi Dachi (Tsuri Ashi Dachi) One Legged Crane Stance used in Chinto
Sanchin Dachi Hourglass Stance used in Seisan
Seisan Dachi Wide Forward Stance
Sheeko Dachi Outward Circular Stance
Tata Seisan Dachi (Fudo Dachi) Reverse Immovable Stance
Teiji Dachi T Stance
Gyaku Neeko Ashi Dachi Reverse Cat Stance used in the Step up Urachen Stance in Yondan
Gyaku Neeko Ashi Kokutsa Dachi Dropping with back heel up kakutsa dachi stances in Kusanku
Zenkutsa Dachi (Jun-tsuki Dachi) Forward Stance
Blocks (Uke)
Chudan Uke Middle Block (2block of Kihon #5)
Empi Uke (Hiji Uke) Elbow Block
Gedan Uke Low Seikan Block
Haishu Uke ‘Goose-Neck’ Block with back of open hand
Jodan Uke High Seikan Block
Kosa Uke (Juji Uke) X Block
MoroteSoe Uke Double Augmented Forward Block found in Shodan & Godan
Nagasha Uke Slip Block found in Kihons
Sasae Uke Supported -Prayer- Block – One Hand Shooto, One Hand Seikan like the start of Jion, Jutte & Passai
Shooto Uke Open Hand Block
Soto Uke Middle Seikan Block
Tae Uke Arm across chest parallel to floor used in Yondan, Godan, Naihanchi…
Tae Soto Uke Tae Uke/Soto Uke combination supporting block found in Godan & Jion
Ude Uke Inward Moving Block found in Yondan after the urachen and body twist
Punches (-tsuki)
Jun-tsuki (Oi -tsuki) Forward Punch
Jun-tsuki No Tsukomi Forward Lunge Punch
Kake -tsuki Hook Punch found in the middle of Jion
Morote -tsuki Double Side Punches in the ending of Jion and Naihanchi
Tomoe -tsuki Double Front Punches found in Jutte
Ura -tsuki Uppercut Punch
Gyaku -tsuki Reverse Punch
Gyaku -tsuki No Tsukomi Reverse Lunge Punch
Zu tsuki Head Butt
Hand/Arm Strikes
Empi (Hiji) Elbow Stike
Haishu Strike with back of the hand
Haito Ridge Hand Strike
Hikite Back Elbow Position Strike
Hirate, (Kaisho) Slap
Jime Choke
Ippon Nukite One Finger Strike
Nodo Tsukami Throat Grab
Shooto Open Hand Chop Strike
Shotei Palm Heel Strike
Tatei Short Vertical Strike
Tetsui, (Teisho) Hammerfist Strike
Ura ken Backfist Strike
Yohan (Nukite) Four Finger Spearhand Strike
Kicks (Geris)
Hiza Geri Knee Kick
Kakato Geri Axe Kick
Kake Geri Hook Kick
Kinteki Geri Groin Kick
Mae Ashi Geri Roundhouse Kick
Mae Geri Front Kick
Mae Tobi Gei Jumping Kick
Mika-tsuki Geri Crescent Kick
Nami Gaeshi ‘Returning Wave’ kick – Upward foot sweeps found in Naihanchi
Ushiro Geri Back Kick
Yoko Geri Side Kick
Mawatte Geri Spinning Kick
Body Parts
Head Atama, Zu
Kasumi Temple
Kao Face
Kami Hair
Mimi Ear
Me Eye
Hana Nose
Kuchi Mouth
Ago Chin
Kubi Neck
Nodo Throat
Arm Wan
Gaiwan Outer arm
Naiwan Inner arm
Ude Fore arm
Empi, Hiji Elbow
Hand Te
Tekubi Wrist
Yubi Finger
Ken Fist
Seiken Fore fist
Ippon ken One-Knuckle fist
Ura ken Back fist
Tettsui Hammer fist
Haishu Back hand
Yohan, Hirate (depending on direction) Open hand
Haito Inner hand edge
Shooto Outer hand edge
Shotei, Teisho Palm heel
Body Tai
Hara, Tomoe Stomach
Kata Shoulder
Mune Chest
Rokkotsu Rib
Sebone Spine
Koshi Hips
Shiri Buttocks
Kinteki Groin
Legs/Feet Ashi
Hiza Knee
Ashi Kubi Ankle
Heisoku Top or Instep
Teisoku Bottom
Kakato Heel
Koshi Ball
Sokuto Outer edge
Ashi Yubi Toe
Jodan Upper
Chudan Middle
Gedan Lower
Migi Right
Hadari Left
Mae Front
Ushiro Back
Yoko Side
Naname Diagonal
Soto Outside
Uchi Inside
Age Rising
Oroshi Descending
Mawatte Spinning/Turning
Miscellaneous Karate Terms
Age Rising
Ago Chin
Arigato Thank You
Ashi Leg
Atemi Striking used with throws
Barai Sweep
Budo Martial Arts
Bunkai Self-Defense Techniques Hidden within Kata
Chudan Middle  Area
Dachi Stance
Dai Sempai Elevated Senior Student
Dan Black Belt Level
Dojo Training Hall
Empi Elbow
Gedan Lower
Geri, (Keta) Kick
Gi Uniform
Goshin Waza Self Defense Techniques
Hadari Left
Hai Yes
Hajime Begin
Hanmi 45 Degree Angle Facing
Hanshi Master Teacher of Masters
Hiza Knee
Jodan Upper
Kakato Heel
Karate Empty Hand
Karateka Student
Kata Form
Keage Snap
Kekomi Thrust
Kiai Focused Yell
Kihon Basic
Kinteki Groin
Kiso Fundamental
Kohai Junior Student – Kyu Rank
Koshi 1. Hips 2. Ball of the foot
Kumite Sparring
Kyoshi Accomplished Instructor
Kyu Grade
Maai Distance
Mae Front
Mahanmi Side Facing
Mashomen Front Facing
Ma-tei Stop
Mawatte Turn
Meijin Wise One, or Highest Title given to Otsuka Sensei
Migi Right
Morote, (Sayu) Double
Nage Waza Throwing and Takedown techniques
Naname Diagonal
Naorei Command to move from ready to bowing stance
Nodo Throat
Nukite Strike
Obi Belt
Rei Bow
Otaga Ni Rei Bow to yourself and your fellow classmates
Renshi Polished Instructor
Ryu Style
Seiza Seated Kneeling Position
Seikan Fist
Sempai Senior Student – Dan Rank
Sensei Teacher
Seiretsu Line Up
Shihan Master Instructor
Shomen Ni Rei Bow for Flag and Country
Sokuto Blade edge of foot
Soto Outside
Tachi Rei Standing Bow
Tai Sabaki Body Shifts
Tomoe 1. Circular 2. Stomach
Tori Attacker
Tsuki Punch/Strike
Tuite Grappling
Uchi 1. Inside 2. Strike
Uke 1. Block/Receive 2. Defender
Ushiro Back
Wado Way of Peace and Harmony
Waza Technique
Gyaku Reverse
Yame Assume ending ready position
Yoko Side
Yoi Assume beginning ready position
Zanshin Awareness