The founder of Wado Ryu, Hironori Ohtsuka Sensei, respected Tatsuo Suzuki Sensei”s ability and loyalty above all others. Before Ohtsuka”s death, discussions took place involving him and Eiichi Eriguchi (then chairman of Wado Kai) in which it was made clear that Ohtsuka Sensei wished to have Suzuki become his successor. Suzuki Sensei was diffident about accepting the honour, claiming instead that it should pass to Ohtsuka”s son. However, after Ohtsuka”s son took over, there were many political and technical problems in America, Europe, and Japan. Many inconsistencies with kata and techniques began to evolve. Suzuki Sensei tried to reunite the Wado organizations on several occasions only to have them resume their bickering as soon as he left Japan.Suzuki Sensei”s growing dissatisfaction with the way things were proceeding and his realization that his time was limited, made him decide to take a different route to preserve Ohtsuka Sensei”s teachings.This was the reason he decided to start his own international Wado-Ryu organization. He is the only man left who has studied intensively with Ohtsuka Sensei during his peak performance years, from fifty to seventy years old.
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It is with the deepest sadness and regret that we must inform you of the passing of Suzuki Sensei in the early hours of Tuesday 12th July 2011.
Let us remember his life and not his passing.
Eleni Labiri – Suzuki
It is with the deepest sadness and regret that we must inform you of the passing of Suzuki Sensei in the early hours of Tuesday 12th July 2011.
Let us remember his life and not his passing.
Eleni Labiri – Suzuki